Prague Area

More about the area:

The distribution center is in close proximity to the busiest D1 highway – Říčany-Jažlovice exit (10 km from Prague), warehouse area is 6,000 m², office area is 200 m²

Warehouse equipment:

  • Pallet racks with a clear storage height of 10m
  • State-of-the-art handling equipment
  • Electronic and physical security of the premises
  • Fire protection
  • Insurance:

  • Full value of goods

  • Capacity:

  • 6 000 pallet spaces

  • Security:

  • Electronic and physical

  • Software:

  • Warehouse software

Photo gallery from Google Street View

Location and address of the warehouse area

Address: Prologis Park, D1 East, hall DC8 Na Dlouhém 103, 251 01 Říčany-Jažlovice. GPS coordinates: 49.9682428N, 14.6288881E

More storage spaces

The logistics facilities of Logflex CZ are located close to highways and major roads – D1 near Prague, D52 near Brno, and in the industrial zone in Ostrava